First Class


Teamwork really does make the dream work, and when it comes to the health and safety of our travelers on tour, teamwork is essential. That’s why we partner with the industry’s best vendors, suppliers and educators to ensure our standard of excellence is always met.


We've raised the bar on all things health and safety

Every participant receives a drawstring bag to carry essential tour items, keeping you comfortable while on tour.

We continue to partner with authorized and approved vendors and suppliers to ensure that every staff member is certified to meet our standard of excellence. Please make sure you review our safety policies, protocols, and procedures below.


Only the best

Clean Airlines

While each airline has slightly different processes and protocols in response to COVID-19, all are deep cleaning. Other actions may include reduced seating allocation and face covering requirements while on board. Additionally, food service on the plane is typically not available or pre-packaged. Up-to-date information is available from each airline.

Secured Sites

Because each destination, site or venue, may have their own unique protocols in place, our local teams on the ground are now more important than ever. These expert drivers and guides will be prepared for each itinerary, ensuring that the integrity of the tour is maintained and your students get the experience they deserve.

Charter Promise

In order to be an approved vendor, our private coach partners must meet our safety and health standards. This includes protocols for maintaining a clean environment throughout the day, as well as guidelines for loading luggage, seating policies, and boarding/deboarding procedures.

Selective Food Service

We use select local restaurants that offer enhanced food safety and hygiene. This includes new policies like avoiding guest handling of food at buffets, enhanced cleaning/disinfecting, implementing physical distancing with table spacing and possible meal planning modifications, like boxed meals.

Hotel Coordination

Our hotel partners have implemented processes focused on enhanced disinfection and deep cleaning practices, as well as increased level of frequency. There is also guidance for all areas of the hotel with a specific focus on high-frequency touch points and common areas. This advanced detailed protocol is a requirement for all of our hotel suppliers. We are also offering affordable rooming upgrades for participants who request different room occupancy.

Have questions? Our team is here to help. Email us at:


If a participant feels ill with symptoms of COVID-19 (which include fever, chills/aches, shortness of breath, coughing), our team will immediately facilitate movement of the participant to a location where they can safely be separated from others, while simultaneously engaging our On-Call Physicians or a local medical facility to consult on the next steps, testing, and treatment. Next steps would be:

  • Establish and coordinate communication with the participant and the family
  • Facilitate transportation for the participant to a local medical facility
  • Coordinate quarantine arrangements for the participant, in consultation with local health authorities
  • Provide guidance to the group to reduce the risk of additional exposure and coordinate testing
  • Assist family member in making arrangements to join the ill traveler
  • Initiate thorough and proper cleaning of all necessary areas, such as hotel rooms, and motorcoaches

We will provide the resources necessary to facilitate the recommended treatment, including an isolated, chaperoned location for the participant to recover and arrangements for a new itinerary to return home. Please note that all additional costs, including travel and accommodations, etc., are the responsibility of the traveler/family.

All participants will need to follow any local, state, or national guidelines, and also follow any site-specific requirements for face coverings, including on the airplane and inside any cultural site or venue that requires a mask.

  • Extensive Group Leader Professional Liability Insurance.
  • Medical/Accident Insurance on all tour participants.
  • Tour Central Office for 24 hour access on tour.
  • Emergency Contingency Planning in the event of a city-wide emergency.



First Class School Tours maintains a 24-hour, toll-free emergency phone number exclusively for students and parents.

Professional, Bonded Security

Private guards are stationed on hotel floors each night, ensuring that students adhere to the strict nightly curfew.


All students wear a wristband or lanyard listing our 24/7 emergency contact information.


All tour personnel carry cell phones, and we encourage all students to bring their own cell phones.